Design tools help us to communicate our ideas out to the wider team, or our clients.
Using these tools we can sense check assumptions and hypotheses so we can be confident in the decisions we are making and the direction we are going.
Created for the initial development of Business Figures: A simple interface using contextual open data to help enable SMEs to make decisions. Focus was on their skill level with using the computer, and understanding statistics, and possible motivations (based on SME interviews).
“Here I have created three possible personas that will be using Business Figures. These personas are a mix of abilities, expertise, and motivations that we have encountered through our interviews thus far. Please get familiar with these names; Samson, Cheryl and Colin.”
User workFlows
At Figure.NZ I created a workflow to demonstrate the journey that data would go through to be standardised and published for public use.
Screenshots of a wireframe prototype created using Omnigraffle and GitPages, to review workflow and expected outcomes.
These wireframes explored the idea of building a ‘business profile’ that could then be exported to share. (Click to expand).
User Stories
Two user stories to demonstrate how people may interact with the product to make informed decisions. Goal was to evaluate the content that shows up for focus industries. Off this we made improvements to the Elastic Search used to get relevant data related to the industry/location.
At I designed a series of interactive wireframes to help the team review how we might display and have people use the charts and data we had on NZ businesses.
Dashboards, maps & Reporting
At Seamless I created dashboards using the data our customers had to help visualise and understand it more. Customers included local and national govt agencies, as well as commercial businesses.
Measuring success
In , using our Organisational goals, I ran a workshop with the team to determine what high-level goals and projects the Product team would focus on to help achieve these. From this I refined out measurable objectives and actions that enable the team to be confident they are working on the right things, and could demonstrate accountability to the Board. I ran monthly team meetings to review and improve objectives across the organisation, as well as weekly Product team stand-ups.
Actions out of these meetings would be updated in a Kanban Trello Board for each team, which I would administer.
Mapping data
Open-data layers using ArcGIS Pro. Common data analysis includes drive times from assets, calculating population sizes and hierarchy of information.